How to Ace Michigan’s Essay Prompts?
Here are the prompts for the 2021-22 MIT college essay supplement, and some insight and prep questions to help you get started.
College Admissions Officer Essay Tips
I have discovered that whether admissions officers work at large, small, public, private or Ivy schools, they want reflective stories written by the student.
How to Parse the UC Personal Insight Questions
Wow shows you how to parse The University of California 4 supplemental admissions essays questions, chosen from 8 prompts.
How to Answer Any Supplemental College Essay
Many colleges require supplemental essays. Top of the list: The Why Us? college essay. Why should any college pick you?
Kate’s College Admissions Trends for 2023
Now that the 2022-2023 college application season is over, let’s explore some of the latest admission trends and what they could mean for students applying to college this fall.
Tell Your Child to Trust Themself!
In this blog, we share some of Wow’s best advice for keeping your child calm while writing college application essays.
How to Get a Great Story out of Your Students
Listen and be curious to get a great story out of your students. They have a lot to say, guide them and let them say it.
5 College Essay Myths and Facts YOU Need to Know!
Here are five college essay myths and facts for a high school student to consider before writing any essay.
How to Prepare for the College Application Journey
This is a journey into self-discovery to teach your future college student how to be introspective and find meaning in life experiences.
A Holiday Message: Tell Me Something Good
At Wow, we always appreciate you and the hard work you do to support students and their families on their journeys to college.
How to Review College Application Essays Without a Red Pen
At Wow, w
e make sure that, first and foremost, students understand the prompt and can illustrate something meaningful about themselves in a genuine answer to any prompt that showcases at least one trait or characteristic that is important to the student.
What are MIT’s Essay Prompts?
Here are the prompts for the 2021-22 MIT college essay supplement, and some insight and prep questions to help you get started.